Meetings of the airport are open to the public. Share your concern for this local conservation issue by respectfully listening to the meeting and public comment period.
Rally – 4 PM – Parking Lot (Facebook event) – You’re invited to come hear speakers talk about the work being done to protect Bell Bowl Prairie and learn about actions you can take to make a difference. They will be rallying outside the building at 60 Airport Drive until the board meeting at 5 PM. Bring signs and make sure to dress warmly. Interested in speaking? Email
GRAA Board Meeting – 5 PM. – Please attend the Greater Rockford Airport Authority’s (GRAA) board meeting at 5 PM to show your support of Bell Bowl Prairie and let the administration and Commissioners know that we still care about saving the prairie. The meeting will be held in the Auditorium of the GRAA building.
An agenda should be added to the RFD website 2 days before the meeting.
Note: the public comment period during the board meeting is limited and requires signing up in advance. Please coordinate any plans for public comment with and