Ed Cope, former Ecologist with the Natural Land Institute, will discuss the flora and fauna of gravel prairies in the Rock River valley, using Bell Bowl Prairie as a specific lens through which to bring the bigger picture of this unique ecosystem into focus. He will review the origin and history of gravel prairies in the area, then discuss the plant and animal species that inhabit them. Particular focus will be given to those species who have disappeared, and those that teeter on the cusp of extirpation. Bell Bowl Prairie is the last local refuge for a number of species, and its destruction would doubtlessly seal their fate.
The program is presented by the Wild Ones Rock River Valley chapter (WORRV). Any updates to this event will be posted at the WORRV chapter website, www.wildonesrrvc.org and the WORRV Facebook page.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85697317821?pwd=ZHhkMHNJOFB5ME5QU2lxc3k3R3AyZz09
The program is free and open to the public. For information contact Jerry Paulson, 815-222-4414.